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  • How to install Weglot Plugin to translate your website

Weglot Plugin:

Translate your website into multiple languages without doing any code. Translations fully SEO compatible, follow multilingual Google best practice.

How to use Weglot?

1- Install Weglot
you can install Weglot from your dashboard. Go to dashboard > plugins > add new . Or you can download it from this link Weglot plugin and then upload it.


Search Plugin

Install Weglot plugin

Activat Weglot plugin

Weglot Settings:
You can see in the settings page of Weglot.

Main configuration:

Login to Weglot to get your API key

Original Language

What is the original (current) language of your website?

Destination Languages
Write the two-letters codes, separated by a comma. Supported languages are here.


language button appearance ( optional )


Language button position

Language button position

Translation Exclusion (Optional)

Translation Exclusion

Weglot is an easy plugin to use to translate your site into multiple languages.

Weglot Translate benefits:

Fully compatible with every Theme and plugins : Weglot Translate will translate every strings in the page.
60+ translation languages available
A unique and single place to manage all your languages and translations
Content automatically detected and translated: content is the only thing you need to care about.
You do not need to search for translations files (.po) or any other source files.
Translations constantly displayed in real-time
Access to professional translators if you need quality translations.
Optimized SEO in new languages with dedicated URLs : translated pages will have their dedicated URLs, as Google best practice for multilingual
Language switch button is customizable


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